| Description | Example |
commandButton | A form button used to submit/reset a form. |
commandLink | An HTML link that performs an action. |
form | Container for input components. |
inputCheckbox | An HTML input element of type checkbox. |
inputField | Input element that corresponds to a field on a custom object. |
inputFile | An input field to upload a file. |
inputHidden | An HTML input element of type hidden. |
inputSecret | An HTML input element of type password. |
inputText | An HTML input element of type text. |
inputTextArea | A text area input element. |
selectCheckboxes | A set of related checkbox input elements, displayed in a table. |
selectList | A list of options for radio/checkboxes. |
selectOption | A possible value for the <apex:selectCheckboxes> or <apex:selectList> components. |
selectOptions | A collection of values for the <apex:selectCheckboxes>, <apex:selectRadio>, or <apex:selectList> components. |
selectRadio | A set of related radio button input elements, displayed in a table. |
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