Tuesday 12 March 2013

Form Elements
commandButtonA form button used to submit/reset a form.

commandLinkAn HTML link that performs an action.

formContainer for input components.

inputCheckboxAn HTML input element of type checkbox.

inputFieldInput element that corresponds to a field on a custom object.

inputFileAn input field to upload a file.

inputHiddenAn HTML input element of type hidden.

inputSecretAn HTML input element of type password.

inputTextAn HTML input element of type text.

inputTextAreaA text area input element.

selectCheckboxesA set of related checkbox input elements, displayed in a table.

selectListA list of options for radio/checkboxes.

selectOptionA possible value for the <apex:selectCheckboxes> or <apex:selectList> components.

selectOptionsA collection of values for the <apex:selectCheckboxes>, <apex:selectRadio>, or <apex:selectList> components.

selectRadioA set of related radio button input elements, displayed in a table.



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